6 Signs That Your Body Isn't Getting Enough Potassium

Muscle Weakness or Cramps: Potassium plays a crucial role in muscle function, including contraction and relaxation. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness, cramps

Fatigue and Weakness: Potassium deficiency can contribute to feelings of fatigue, weakness, and lethargy, as the mineral is essential for energy metabolism and overall vitality.

Irregular Heartbeat: Potassium is crucial for maintaining proper heart function and regulating heartbeat. A deficiency in potassium can lead to palpitations, irregular heartbeats, or even more severe cardiovascular issues.


High Blood Pressure: Potassium helps to balance sodium levels in the body, which is important for controlling blood pressure. Low potassium intake may contribute to hypertension or high blood pressure.

Constipation: Potassium helps support digestive health by promoting muscle contractions in the intestines. A lack of potassium can lead to constipation or other digestive issues.

Increased Sodium Sensitivity: Potassium works in conjunction with sodium to regulate fluid balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium may increase sensitivity to sodium, leading to water retention, bloating, or swelling.