A Chronology of the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse

Partial Eclipse Begins: The moon's shadow begins to make contact with the Earth's surface, marking the beginning of the eclipse. This phase varies depending on the location from which the eclipse is observed.

Progression of Partial Phases: Over the next hour or so, the moon continues to move across the face of the sun, gradually covering more of it. Observers will notice a crescent shape forming as the sun becomes increasingly obscured.

Approach of Totality: As the eclipse progresses, the sky darkens noticeably, and the temperature may drop. Animals may become quiet or behave strangely as the daylight diminishes.

Totality Begins: At the moment of totality, the moon completely covers the sun, casting a shadow on the Earth and plunging the area into darkness. The sun's corona becomes visible, appearing as a pearly white halo around the black disk of the moon.

Totality Duration: The duration of totality varies depending on the observer's location within the path of totality. It can last anywhere from a few seconds to a maximum of a few minutes.

Diamond Ring Effect: Just before and after totality, observers may see a brief flash of light known as the diamond ring effect. This occurs when a small sliver of the sun becomes visible around the edge of the moon, creating the appearance of a sparkling diamond ring.

Bailey's Beads: Another phenomenon that occurs just before and after totality is Bailey's Beads, where beads of sunlight shine through the rugged terrain of the moon's limb, creating a string of bright spots around the moon's silhouette.

End of Totality: Totality ends as the moon continues its journey across the face of the sun. The sky gradually brightens, and the temperature begins to rise again.

Progression of Partial Phases: The partial phases resume as the moon moves away from its position in front of the sun. The crescent shape of the sun reappears, and daylight returns to normal.

Partial Eclipse Ends: The eclipse concludes as the moon's shadow completely moves off the Earth's surface, marking the end of the event for observers in that location.