Cranberry Apple Pie 

Fruit Fusion: Combine the tartness of cranberries with the sweetness of apples for a vibrant and flavorful pie.

Pie Crust Preparation: Prepare a traditional pie crust, ensuring it's fully baked and cooled before filling to achieve a crisp base.

Fruit Selection and Preparation: Choose firm apples like Granny Smith, peel, core, and slice them thinly. Combine with fresh or frozen cranberries for a burst of color and tang.

Sweetening and Binding: Toss the apple and cranberry slices with sugar, flour, and a hint of cinnamon to sweeten and bind the filling.

Top Crust or Streusel: Decide whether to use a traditional top crust or a streusel topping made with flour, oats, brown sugar, and butter for added texture and flavor.

Baking and Serving: Bake the pie until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbly.

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