Gingerbread Poke Cake  

Cake Preparation: Start by baking a gingerbread cake according to your favorite recipe or using a boxed mix. Allow the cake to cool completely.

Making the Holes: Once cooled, use the handle of a wooden spoon to poke holes evenly across the surface of the cake. Ensure the holes are large enough to absorb the filling.

Prepare the Filling: Prepare a spiced cream filling by combining sweetened condensed milk with ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Whisk until well combined.

Filling the Holes: Pour the spiced cream filling over the surface of the cake, making sure to fill each hole generously. Allow the cake to sit for a few minutes, allowing the filling to seep into the cake.

Frosting the Cake: Spread a layer of whipped cream or cream cheese frosting over the top of the cake, covering the filled holes and creating a smooth surface.

Decorating: Finish the cake by dusting the top with a sprinkle of cinnamon or decorating with gingerbread cookie crumbles for added texture and flavor.

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