Hummingbirds staying in the Four States instead of migrating

Hummingbird migration has been starting earlier and reports say some are staying in state all winter. These tiny birds are among the smallest in the world, according to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.

With 319 species living in North and South America, 15 are found in the U.S. with only one regularly appearing in Kansas: ruby-throated hummingbirds.

These birds can be found in wild nesting along streams and woodland parks with most of their numbers located in the eastern half of the state. They are occasionally mistaken for an insect that mimics their looks and behaviors.

Hummingbirds typically travel south to southern Mexico and Central America during the winter months and return in the summer when there’s lots of food and less competition

“The scariest time of a bird’s life is when it can’t fly! Most birds die before they even fledge,” Expert said. “So geographic differences in how risky it is for eggs and nestlings help explain migration patterns.”

Expert said it can be hard to tell that the hummingbird spring migration is getting earlier because of the wide variety of temperatures each year. Overall, birds are coming back earlier and earlier.

Hummingbirds don’t migrate in packs like other birds and travel independently. Many have been spotted as early as February and staying all winter

Some hummingbirds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico and can travel as much as 23 miles in a day. During the migration over the Gulf of Mexico, they can cover 500 miles at a time

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