Potential viewing locations for 2024’s total solar eclipse

1. Luxor, Egypt The city on the banks of the Nile is the best place to witness the longest duration of totality— a whopping 6 minutes and 22 seconds.

2. Tangier, Morocco The bustling Moroccan city—Europe’s gateway to Africa and former ‘international city’—will be an excellent spot to view the eclipse from, with totality lasting 4 minutes and 48 seconds.

3. Kerkennah Islands, Tunisia This island off Sfax in Tunisia hosts Borj el Hissar, the ancient ruins of a Roman fort rebuilt by the Spanish in the 16th century. Totality will last 5 minutes and 42 seconds.

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4. Tozeur, Tunisia At 1 minute and 39 seconds, it’s a short totality, but this could be a special location close to the southern edge of the path of totality. It’s the site of the set for the original Star Wars movie.

5. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia This port city in Saudi Arabia, known for its beautiful beaches and historical landmarks, will see totality lasting 5 minutes and 54 seconds.

6. Cadiz, Spain A short totality – just 2 minutes and 47 seconds – will be seen in Cadiz, which sits on a peninsula and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe.

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