The Best Time to Go to Bed According to Your Age

0 to 3 months: Recommended sleep hours are 14 to 17 hours, not less than 9 hours or more than 19 hours.

4 to 11 months: Recommended sleep hours are 12 to 15 hours, not less than 10 hours or more than 18 hours.

1 to 2 years: Recommended sleep hours are 11 to 14 hours, not less than 9 hours or more than 16 hours.

3 to 5 years: Recommended sleep hours are 10 to 13 hours, not less than 8 hours or more than 14 hours.

6 to 13 years: Recommended sleep hours are 9 to 11 hours, not less than 7 hours or more than 12 hours.

14 to 17 years: Recommended sleep hours are 8 to 10 hours, not less than 7 hours or more than 11 hours.

18 to 25 years: Recommended sleep hours are 7 to 9 hours, not less than 6 hours or more than 11 hours.

26 to 64 years: Recommended sleep hours are 7 to 9 hours, not less than 6 hours or more than 10 hours. 65 years and older: Recommended sleep hours are 7 to 8 hours, not less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours.

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