Want to Keep Deer From Eating Your Garden? Here's What to Plant

1) Bleeding Heart This adorable perennial is not a favorite of deer, so it's a great option for your shade garden. Its heart-shaped blooms appear in early to late spring.

2) Potentilla This shrub has a somewhat fuzzy texture that usually doesn't appeal to deer. It comes in white-, pink-, or yellow-flowered varieties and blooms all season long.

3) Catmint This sturdy perennial has silvery-green leaves with a somewhat fuzzy texture. It also has a pungent spicy-minty fragrance that makes most deer avoid it.

4) Boxwood These evergreen shrubs make great foundation plantings, and they're not particularly appealing to deer. You can leave them natural or shear them into shape.

5) Daphne Daphne is a beautiful evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves that bloom lovely, fragrant pink flowers from mid-winter to late spring

6) Dusty Miller This attractive silvery annual makes a stunning accent for containers or beds. Deer don't enjoy its velvety texture.

7) Japanese Forest Grass This mounding ornamental grass looks amazing when planted in groups—and deer aren't fans of its sharp texture.

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