What to do if your lover is quiet-quitting your relationship

1. Acknowledge your feelings Before you do anything else, Expert advised processing your emotions on your own. 

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"Just acknowledge that for yourself, 'I'm feeling hurt — it's valid that I've been feeling alone in my relationship

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2. Perform a relationship scan It's good to keep tabs on the relationship for a while, particularly if life seems more stable now.

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3. Be honest with your partner If you strongly believe your partner is gradually stepping away from the relationship, you should absolutely talk to them — even if they've turned down similar conversations in the past

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4. If relevant, own your part Just acknowledging and understanding where your partner is coming from is a good step to turn that around and hopefully go in a different direction

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5. Be wary of one-sidedness Throughout your conversations around quiet-quitting, Expert recommended paying attention to how committed your partner is to solving the problem.

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